2025-2026 Open Enrollment
Open House - Jan 26th
Fine Arts Holiday Concert
$885,000 Raised!
27th Annual Chili Supper & Auction
Homecoming Rescheduled
Fall Concert
Come hear the talent of our FCA students at the Fall Fine Arts Concert on Monday, September 30 at 6pm.
Harvest Run Sponsor
I:55 Book Fair
Grandparent's Day
Way to Go, Falcons!
Congratulations to our Middle School and Varsity Soccer teams for winning their season openers!
Smart Savings Cards
Wizard of Oz Musical
Register Here
FCA Spring Fling
Join us on March 22nd for spring fun! There will be 29 game booths, food vendors & inflatables.
NCSA Accreditation
KMEA Honors FCA Educators
2024-2025 Enrollment Now Open
Navigate to Admissions on this website to begin your application process.
Open House - Jan. 28th
Have a Safe & Happy Holiday
Falcon's Nest is on it's way!
Honoring Our Veterans
26 Annual Chili Supper & Auction
Homecoming - Sept 25-29
I:55 Book Fair
Second Mile Second Nature
2023 Commencement
Join us on Saturday, May 20 for FCA's 2nd Annual Graduation Commencement, beginning at 2:00pm in Ray Gymnasium.
Senior Symposium
Congrats, Josi and Kaito!
Celebrating Our Teachers
FCA Chorus
WBKO Hometown Hero
Annual Golf Classic
Annie the Musical
Dr. Seuss Celebration
There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 20th in observance of President's Day.
Winter Sports Homecoming
Open House - Feb. 12
Open Enrollment
1,200 Items Collected!
KMEA 3rd District Band
Chili Supper and Auction Update
Tri-SKY Preschool Award Winners!
Soccer field construction underway!