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  • Open to all High School students (not just athletes).  Applications opens around the beginning of November.

  • National scholarship program.  

  • Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarship competition

  • Open to high school athletes.

  • Booklet containing a list of scholarships offered in the state of Kentucky

  • he KACo Presidential Scholarship will be presented in Warren County in 2023. The recipients must attend an in-state college or university or a two-year technical college in the fall following graduation. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

    The online application will be available to students on this page March 1, 2023, and applications must be submitted no later than April 3, 2023, at 5 p.m. EST. To prepare for the application process, students should begin collecting the following:

    recommendation letter from the staff person at their high school (not to exceed one page);
    recommendation letter from a local community member (not to exceed one page); and
    information for a student resume listing activities, clubs, offices held and any honors worth noting.
    There will be an essay question for applicants with a response not to exceed 500 words. A scholarship committee composed of KACo board members chooses the recipient or recipients each year. 

  • Morgantown Bank provides a scholarship for local high school seniors.

  • Scholarship fund from National Beta Society

  • For individuals diagnosed with ADHD.

  • Website run by the US Department of Education. Search large list of scholarships.

  • Scholarship available to high school athletes.

  • Scholarship available to residents of Warren County and are members of Warren County Water District 

  • Two scholarships are offered.  A general scholarship to students in Warren County and a specific scholarship to students going to WKU. Click the link for further details and requirements.

  • Warren RECC will award scholarships to qualifying high school seniors. In addition, scholarships will be awarded to non-traditional students as defined on the scholarship application. Students must pursue post-secondary training at an accredited, degree-granting institution.